
Life is like roller coaster..


Life is like roller coaster..

Yesterday I was six feet under;

Today I'm king of the world.

Last week I was a jobless bastard;

Now I'm once again an engineer.

Months ago I was financially insolvable;

Now I'm spend like it's not a dollar.

Years ago I was a lonely backpacker;

Now I'm blogging pocketful of Her.

Twenty four years ago doctors wasn't sure whether my mum has a son or daughter;

Now my life is a larger than life blockbuster,

for my friends, family, me and last but not least Her...

Life is like a roller coaster,

it always ends with joys and tears..


Akira 思胜 said...

Well, take care and wish ya all the best for upcoming undertakings ya...

Beverly's Secret said...

All the best to you!!!
Strive for your bright future :D

p/s: I'll be back end of this year, 3 months vacation.. we should meet :)

林康亿 said...

thx man..

same to u..

yo thx gal..

we muz meet..

den post my photo on ur secret land..

let ur fans envy me..

muz b fun.. hehehe...


ask mr & mrs ah tat and mr & mrs shantzer too la..

Beverly's Secret said...

Ya ya!!! AGREE~~
Then you must come to Seremban :p

LuLu said...

errr....Y drop me into ur topic?!